“The Email” and KSD’s Fractured Leadership

In case you are not aware, the email referenced in KFEI’s previous post was from former KSD Board of Education President Jean Marie Andrews and it is provided in full here.

KFEI’s understanding is that the “accusations” she references stemmed from her having conversations with the librarians at her children’s schools after the September 2022 Board meeting. Other District leaders claimed that she was using her position as a Board member to intimidate staff members. Do the implications delineated in her email concern you?

Please also listen to her statement at the September 26, 2022 Board meeting for additional context (available here, at 1:54:25).

If you have questions about this email or the big picture regarding KSD’s fractured leadership, we suggest you reach out to Mrs. Andrews at jeanmarie.andrews@kirkwoodschools.org and/or Superintendent Dr. David Ulrich (“Dave”) at ksdsuperintendent@kirkwoodschools.org. Be sure to copy the KSD Custodian of Records on correspondences to Dr. Ulrich: laura.heidenreich@kirkwoodschools.org.

KSD is navigating many serious things right now and solid leadership with integrity is critical. Help insist on accountability and answers. The Kirkwood kids and community deserve it.


KSD’s Embarrassing National News Coverage


Serious Concerns about KSD Leadership