Robinson’s Large Book Purchase for Classrooms
In case you are not aware, the Robinson PTO purchased almost 2,000 “diverse books” with a purchase price of close to $20,000 to be used in classrooms. The list is attached.
KFEI is not against diversity, but given the other KSD-recommended “diverse” books that include illegal sexual images, we are concerned about the lack of transparency with this.
A few things to consider:
*Was the Robinson community informed of this large purchase? If you are a Robinson parent, please let us know.
*Were Robinson parents informed about these books being provided to their children, particularly given that the books are not included in the school’s Destiny Discover library catalog, which is what parents are told to reference?
*Do the books on this list adhere to the District’s resource selection policies?
This is NOT about book banning. It is about transparency and accountability. If you can shed some additional light on this, we would like to hear from you at
The google document titled "Kirkwood Classroom Diversity July21 Updated 7-22-21.xls: Teacher Lists" is available HERE.